Thursday, April 28, 2011

When you least expect it...............

       You know the old saying when you least expect something it happens......well I can honestly say its true.  Just when I thought there were no decent men left in the world I met a very nice guy.  So far we seem to get along very well and have alot in common.  I havent really posted about it because I thought I may jinx it.  I actually look forward to hearing from him and knowing its not going to be a yelling match or he wont show up at my house drunk.  Keep tuned in to see how this progresses.  Even if a serious relationship doesnt come out of this I know I have definatley made a friend for life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Baby Daddy Drama

I need some advice on how to deal with my ex husband.  We were married for 7 yrs and seperated 2 of them.  He ofcourse does not pay child support like he should except when he thinks he has a chance of getting back with me.  First of that is pretty f'd up if you ask me.  He doesn't support his child unless he is getting something out of it.  I couldn't imagine not taking care of my children.  If anyone else has baby daddy drama leave me some comments or advice please!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The mor things change the more they stay the same

well once again i found myself opening the door for him again.  this is a vicious cycle that we have fallen into.  me and aaron which is my on again off again boyfriend for the past two and a half years, have been fighting more than usual lately.  it never fails when we do he leaves and about two or three am he comes knocking on the door saying he misses me.  i and ofcourse me being the idiot that i am i let him in.  we are like magnents and gravitate to one another no ,atter whats going on between us.  i love him very much but i can not do this anymore.  if anyone has any advice i would love to hear it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Time Blogger.......any suggestions?

Well this is a first for me!  I never thought that I would have a blog or even have anything to do with blogging.  I was inspired by someone I went to high school with , tho we never hung out or really even spoke.  I read her blog for the first time today and was suprised to see that once I started reading it I couldn't stop.  I really do not live an exciting life by any means at all.  I have two beautiful girls, Emma who is 5yrs old and Avah who was 1 yr old Sunday.  All I do is work and take care of my girls.  I guess you can say this is just kind of an outlet for me, kind of like a diary of sorts that everyone can read haha!  I was married for almost 7 yrs.........yea that didn't go so well!  Then I have been engaged for 2 yrs and that is still up in the air.  I know this may all seem very boring to anyone who reads this but I would also like any comments or any kind of suggestions from other single/divorced/working parents on how you juggle everything in life without any help or any kind of outlet.  I am thinking this just might be my outlet even tho I am pretty sure no one will ever read anything I have to say lol! I have worked at the same job for the past four years.  Nothing to exciting but I do meet all kinds of people.  I work with a bunch of special special people...........and those of you who know what I am talking about understand what I mean by "special"! I will definately post some of there shenanigans on here quite often along with pics so you can all experience what I deal with on a daily basis..................but hey, it's what I have to do to put food on the table as they say!  I hope to soon go back to school.  I always said I will go back when..................and then I was married.  Then it was I will go back to school before I have children..........................and then I had my daughter and so forth and so on!  I will go back to school though for my girls and for my sanity! haha I have definately decided that I do not need anyone to take care of me or them that is my job.  One day I want my girls to look back and be proud of there mother not dwell on what they misssed out on or couldn't have.  Well enough about me for now...................................................tho this is a blog about my life lol!  I will post something more exciting next time I promise!